Via del Torracchione, 8 - Cavallina - Barberino di Mugello
The first information about the villa are found in a document dated 1427. From 1457 to 1466 the town was the haunt of writers and scholars such as Luigi Pulci, Lorenzo the Magnificent, Mariotto Davanzati, Bernardo Gianbullari.
Here love songs and poems were written including La Nencia da Barberino and La Beca da Dicomano and the building housed Lorenzo the Magnificent, Luigi Pulci Mariotto Davanzati and Bernardo Giambullari.
The villa has been restored in the nineteenth century shows how we can see today.
The majestic front facade of the villa was renovated in XIX century and shows the striking geometric monochrome. The villa also has a huge entrance that is a few meters from the garden.
The park was redesigned in 1800 by famous French architect Cambray-Digny; moreover, the building is situated on a peninsula, is therefore entirely surrounded by the lake. The atmosphere is created with these magical ingredients is unique and charming.
Schedule: Open by reservation only.
Information: tel. + 39 327 5790051 - 339 7003220 - -