A Red Thread Through Twenty-Eight Centuries: From Aesop to Renato Ridolfi
This is the theme of the event promoted and organized by the Campaniani Study Center "E. Consolini" of Marradi, which will take place on Friday, June 21st, at 9:00 PM, in memory of the late Renato Ridolfi.
A tribute meant to be not only celebratory but also explanatory of the great depth of Renato Ridolfi's work, *Nondum matura est*, which continues the fable-satirical-moralistic tradition started by Aesop twenty-eight centuries ago.
These fables were adapted by Phaedrus to the peculiarities of Latin, revisited and rhythmically shaped by Jean de La Fontaine to align with the baroque sounds of 17th-century French, and finally by Renato Ridolfi, who, infusing them with the Marradi dialect he knew so well, elevated our dialect to the status of a full-fledged language.
This is a heritage to be passed down to the younger generations so that, through the knowledge of their roots, they can build their future.
Info: 055 8045943 / centrocampana@tiscali.it