A journey through history and nature
The water path "The Ascent of the Farfareta River," a stream between the Passo della Colla area and the Madonna dei Tre Fiumi hamlet, will be inaugurated on Saturday, April 20th.
An event made possible by Trekking Toscani, which participated in Publiacqua's project "The Water Paths" aimed at enhancing these nature-immersed trails. The meeting is scheduled for 9:30 AM at Madonna dei Tre Fiumi, for the start of the walk towards the Valdiccioli Refuge, where participants will be greeted with music from a string quartet, a small refreshment, and the presentation of events planned until December 2024.
As mentioned, the journey starts from Madonna dei Tre Fiumi and ends at the Valdiccioli Refuge. Approximately 3 hours of walking, 4.7 kilometers in length, and 475 meters of elevation gain, crossing through pristine nature, with beech, hornbeam, and holly trees, and allowing visitors to explore the Margheri Mill, one of the oldest still-functioning mills in Tuscany.
Info: 349 2560407 / 348 8976311 / info@trekkingtoscani.it