The main aim of the Centre, is to promote information campaigns on the subject of the chestnut tree, using both innovative information systems and demonstrations.
Among the main goals of the programme ...
CAMPANA RESEARCH CENTRE "Enrico Consolini" and MUSEUM "Artisti per Dino Campana" Marradi was the home and birthplace of the famous poet Dino Campana, author of the “Orphic Chants”. In the cultural centre ...
CAMPANA RESEARCH CENTRE "Enrico Consolini" and MUSEUM "Artisti per Dino Campana" Via Castelnaudary, 5 e 7 - Marradi Tuesday and Friday: 5pm-8pm Every Sunday in October during the Chestnut Festival: 11.00am-13.00am/ ...
Due piscine all’aperto, una per bambini e una di 25 m. Zona ristoro parco e giochi per bambini. Possibilità sosta camper nello spazio attiguo. Corsi di acquagym e nuoto. Bar con servizio di ...
... in milk, like they do today.
Where it is produced
The torta is made in Upper Mugello, particularly in the town of Marradi. It is produced at home and in bakeries and restaurants in Marradi ...
Trekking along the wanderer's trail: from Marradi to Stia through all the localities mentioned by Campana in his "La Verna", Orphic Chants . From Marradi it is possible to reach Stia by way of an extraordinary ...
Introductory and technical notes
The route runs along, for the most part, the ancient road that linked Palazzuolo sul Senio to Marradi, a road which, therefore, may have been travelled by Campana.
The ...
The places along the route: Marradi and Mugello
Dino Campana was born in Marradi, the Tuscan territory half way from Florence to Bologna. During his brief and active life he was a wandering soul: he ...
Marradi, small Tuscan town overlooking the Romagna plains, was a place that Campana both loved and despised. He ran from it often because he found it suffocating, but returned just as often to start breathing ...
In Marradi the Archpriestly Church of St. Lorenzo was reconstructed in the 18th century in neoclassic style and holds paintings by the Master of Marradi (Ghirlandaio's pupil) who worked in Badia del Borgo ...
Beyond the Colla Pass, on the Tuscan side of the Apennines that overlook Romagna, we find Marradi. It rises on the banks of the Lamone River which flows into Ravenna. The central position of the town, ...
... the Mugello area, which includes the municipalities of Barberino di Mugello, Borgo San Lorenzo, Dicomano, Firenzuola, Marradi, Palazzuolo sul Senio, San Godenzo, Scarperia e San Piero, and Vicchio. Here, ...
... km di distanza dal circuito - historical centre 30 km away from Mugello Circuit)
MARRADI (centro storico a 33 km di distanza dal circuito – historical centre 33 km away from Mugello Circuit)
... Macereto
Villa Campestri
Podere di Moiata
Locazione Turistica - Ampinatur
Locazione Turistica - Casale Vera
Locazione turistica - La Veranda
Scarperia e San Piero ...
Il Mugello visto attraverso gli occhi dei ragazzi che lo vivono;
uno spazio dedicato ai video, ai testi, alle narrazioni degli studenti degli istituti d'istruzione del territorio e dai tesisti ...
... dat er het beste in is geslaagd om de natuur zo ongerept mogelijk te laten en de sociale tradities in ere te houden. Het omvat de gemeenten Firenzuola, Palazzuolo sul Senio en Marradi. De noordelijke ...
... Mugello met de plaatsen Firenzuola, Palazzuolo sul Senio en Marradi. De grote keien en toppen, ook al zijn ze niet hoger dan rond de 1000 meter, tekenen zich als massieve, hier en daar zelfs imposante ...
... the existing monasteries of Saint Reparata in Marradi, and the Passignano Abbey simply became part of the order. The Saint's fight against the diffusion of simony in the church continued without pause; ...
... a partire dal suo paese natale, Marradi. Oggi, seguendo questa guida, è possibile ripercorrere i suoi itinerari, in particolare Il viaggio d'amore compiuto con Sibilla Aleramo da Marradi al Passo del Giogo. ...
Demanding excursion that touches the village of Casetta di Tiara where Dino Campana stayed along the journey that led him from Marradi to Barco di Rifredo.
ITINERARY: Casetta ...
Panoramic itinerary on the ridges overlooking the valley between Marradi and Palazzuolo sul Senio, touching Capanna Sicuteri shelter.
ITINERARY: Prato all’Albero – Capanna Sicuteri ...
... del Paretaio, Palazzuolo sul Senio, Marradi, Dicomano, Ponte a Vicchio, Borgo San Lorenzo, Vetta Le Corci (Olmo), San Siero a Sieve, Scarperia.
The route must be run clockwise, but you can start ...
... and Muraglione
Difficult trail on the ascent to Poggio Allocchi, easy and panoramic along the ridge.
From the town of Casaglia we move along n. 302 towards Marradi and take, some 300 metres ...
... the painter Andrea del Castagno and so on..
Barberino di Mugello:
Giuliano Vangi Collection
The Bruscoli Ethnographic Museum
Dino Campana Documentation ...
If we move towards Faenza, past Ronta and the Colla Pass we reach our last stop: Marradi. Palazzo Torriani, built at the end of the 16th century on the ruins of a pre-Roman tower, stands in ...
Firenzuola: the whole day Marradi: morning
Borgo San Lorenzo: morning
Borgo San Lorenzo: ...
... and Lamone there is the Upper Mugello with Firenzuola, Palazzuolo sul Senio and Marradi.
The Mugello landscape is a complex: from the thick woodlands of the ridges to the areas of chestnut woods and ...
Crespino is a small village in the Town of Marradi. It is crossed by the Lamone River, and is surrounded by very lofty woods. On foot or by mountain bike, you can travel the paths of the Apennines that ...
... traditional loaf is even produced in the towns of Marradi, Palazzuolo and Firenzuola, which are on the Emiliano-Romagnolo side of the Apennines.
Where and how it is produced
The water mill, ...
... tasting, and has hardly any creases. The “Marron Buono di Marradi”, is the most appreciated and renowned of them all, but other Italian varieties are also quite good, for example: the Carpinese, Fragonese, ...
... trade. Today, centuries later, the territory is true to this tradition: there are, in fact, numerous breeders in the towns of Firenzuola, Marradi, Palazzuolo sul Senio, Barberino di Mugello, Scarperia, ...
... are traditionally reared in the towns in Upper Mugello, on the Emilia-Romagna border in the towns of: Firenzuola, Marradi, and Palazzuolo sul Senio. This breed was once important for both its beef ...
... - Palazzuolo sul Senio, Firenzuola and Marradi. For the time being, producers can’t seem to supply enough of the product to cover the growing demand, even though they have tried to increase the production ...
... and chestnuts are also used to produce beer in Firenzuola and Marradi.
In the past few years there has been a boom in olive growing in Mugello (of fine quality, no less), and this trend is growing ...
In Marradi, Palazzuolo sul Senio and Firenzuola recipes and cooking secrets have been passed down by word of mouth: the culinary tradition on this side of the Tuscan Apennine, which overlooks Romagna, ...
... is mellowed by the presence of the towns of Marradi, Palazzuolo sul Senio and Firenzuola.
The huge boulders and peaks, although reaching only just above1000 metres above sea level, form a background ...
... Firenzuola, Palazzuolo and Marradi.
There are numerous towns or small abandoned locations in the mountains that are built completely in sandstone, from the cobble stone roads to the tiles on the roofs ...
... area. Open in Summer only.
Via Dino Campana, 43
tel. 055 8045170
The complex includes two outdoor pools (a 25 m pool and a children’s pool), an eatery, a park ...
Bilancino Lake
Click here for the details of Fishing in the Lago di Bilancino
BAHIA - Fishing Forward Via Gastone Nencini,SNC Barberino di Mugello Tel: 329 304 9124 Mail:
Boat ...
... mob. +39 347 9200511
GIUSEPPE CAPRIOLI Guided excursions in the territory of Marradi between Romagna and Toscana mob. + 39 338 4302122
MICHELANGELO MARSILI Italian, English and ...
The route: From Crespino to Marradi
Distance run: 2,5 / 3 hours
Uphill climb: 391m
Trails: 527
Difficulty: Easy trail
From either the stations in Florence or Faenza, the Faentina ...