The Borgo Liberty Festival© 2025 kicks off with the Camerata de' Bardi
Four new all-encompassing cultural events that will take the public on a journey to discover the Liberty masterpieces of the Municipality of Borgo San Lorenzo.
The Festival will collaborate with the S.T.A.R.E. Association, the Confraternity of Misericordia of Borgo San Lorenzo, the Parish Unit of Borgo San Lorenzo for the Churches of San Michele a Figliano, the Pieve of San Giovanni Maggiore, and the Pieve of San Lorenzo, as well as TERRÆ Trekking by Elena Beleffi.
- On Sunday, February 9, 2025, at 4:00 PM, the Church of San Michele a Figliano will host the second event of the Festival on Italian Liberty, titled "Policromie musicali Decò."
- On Sunday, March 9, 2025, at 4:00 PM, "Floreali arabeschi in Musica" for European Liberty will resonate, for the first time, at the Pieve of San Giovanni Maggiore, in the Panicaglia district.
- The fourth edition of the Festival, conceived, organized, and carried out by the Camerata de' Bardi, will close with a cultural evening on International Liberty, which will take place at the Pieve of San Lorenzo on Sunday, March 23, 2025, at 3:30 PM, titled "The Musical Genius of Mugello in the World: From Giotto to Galileo Chini."
Info: 347 5894311 / /